17171 Characteristic of cities
Type of Service: Academic Writing
Work Type: Research paper
Format: APA
Pages: 4 pages – 1,100 words, Double spaced
Academic level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Discipline: Natural Sciences
Title: Characteristic of cities
Number of sources: 2
Paper instructions:
Consider this while writing this assignment. 3 main concepts to remember: geography, climate, Econony looking for: personality of the cities, how its different from where they came from and where they are living now. 1. Consider the profile of variables characteristic of cities. Use a sentence or two to characterize each variable.2. Choose any large city, real or imagined, showing how several or all the variables determine its character.3.
A. Chose a small city, town, or village, real or imagined, showing how these same variables have little or no effect in determining its character.
B. Which factors are determining there?
Books done so far.
Week Two: Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Week Three: JacobsWeek Four: of Life” Wirth, “Urbanism as a Way
Week Five: Simmel, “The Metropolis and Mental Life”
Week Six: Toennies, “On Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft”
Week Seven: Discussion of the preceeding.
Week Eight: Howard, Garden Cities of Tomorrow
Week Nine: Garreau, Edge Cities