Find an article that pertains to ethics and the health care professional.

Find an article that pertains to ethics and the health care professional. This might include religious beliefs, personal versus professional ethics, or a situation where the health care professional disagrees with a patient’s health care choice. Summarize the article and explain how it relates to the chapter and further enhances your understanding of the material in the text.

Directions for Submission:

1. Prepare your Research document.

2. Include an appropriate introduction, content, and conclusion.

3. Clearly and comprehensively address the topic to show an enhanced understanding of the text.

4. Follow citation directions provided by your instructor.

5. Save the document to your local computer. Include your last name in the filename.

6. Click the Browse or Choose File button below to find and select your saved document.

7. Click Submit Assignment to submit the file to your instructor. Your assignment will be uploaded to your instructor’s Dropbox for this course.

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